Searching but not finding… We’re lost in a masquerade.

It’s that time again.  The trick or treaters will come a knocking.  we all have a chance to put on a mask, wear some make-upor go out and find a crazy costume.  I absolutely love Halloween.  Why?  Obviously, I love it because I am a kid at heart and am crazy about play.  I thoroughlyContinue reading “Searching but not finding… We’re lost in a masquerade.”

Loving comes in many ways : Sex is Emotion in Motion

I was out for a drink the other night.  The topic turned to sex!  Yes sex.. why not!  The patrons of the bar had told a group to take the conversation outside because it was ‘offensive ‘.  At about that point, I arrived with my husband.  Being a life coach, I was curious about theContinue reading “Loving comes in many ways : Sex is Emotion in Motion”